Despite His Lies, This was His Most Presidential Speech

Unfortunately, he gave a good speech. He stayed away from impeachment, and he did not gloat about his approval rating. His rhetoric was hopeful, and he was not afraid to evoke religion. He appealed to a wide swath of American identities.

He made his foreign policy “successes” sound like America is strong. Most of the country agrees that we need to Bring Our Troops Home. That sentiment speaks to people.

He didn’t run from any of his policies. For the people who agree with his direction, he hit all the right notes. And he reality TV’d the $#!T out of the State of The Union.

Of course, he told lies and half-truths, like most politicians. Yes, he lies like no other. But he does it so much, everyone is used to it or believes him.

This SOTU was his best speech. This teleprompter version of himself worked well. He was presidential.

If he realizes a toned down more presidential Trump is the best strategy to win re-election, he will be more challenging to defeat.

He did so well; it makes me more nervous. The Hatemonger must be defeated. To ensure he loses, we all must think out of the box and do something to ensure people vote. And I mean people who will vote to defeat this guy. We cannot rely on a misstep from him, and we don’t want the economy to go bad.

Millions believe in Trumpism, and millions of others are going along because they belong to those circles. Don’t forget that Republicans are cheating by using voter suppression and manipulation tactics.

I’m not sure what to do. I do know that organizing and motivating people to vote is the answer, but where and how. I must do something different than last time.

What do you think you might do?

Democrats better do some serious organizing in every community, and we all must GOTV – Get Out The Vote.

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